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Ryan Smithson

My blog that is updated from time to time, including links to my Wordpress and my Twitter account

Welcome to Ryan Smithson Photography!

Hello, and welcome to my website. I'm Ryan, a young photographer who has recently graduated from his Photography Foundation degree, and focuses mainly on Light Painting. Although I specialize in light painting, I also partake in other genres of photography. Within the portfolio section of the website, you can view the genres I practice, and my light painting photography.


I have been photographing for five years, and completed my Foundation degree in 2013, which was taken at Hull School of Art and Design. I also studied video, which was included in the photography degree, and have practised the process of planning and creating videos, individually and with a team.


An aspiration of mine would to become a recognised Light artist, however I am quite comfortable practising the many genres of photography, so feel free to email me through the Contact section for any potential commissions.


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